Current lab members

Judit Villen

Ariadna Llovet
Software engineer

Julian Ramos
Software engineer

Ricard Rodriguez-Mias
Senior Scientist
rr65 [ at ] uw.edu

Sophie Moggridge
Graduate Student
smog [ a t ] uw.edu

Alexis Chang
Graduate Student
alexisn1 [ a t ] uw.edu

Mario Leutert

Matthew Berg
mattberg [at] uw.edu

Lab Alumni
- Pratistha Ranjitkar (postdoc, 2011)
- Marissa Anderson (summer undergraduate 2011, U. New Mexico)
- Lindsay Stanford (summer undergraduate 2012, Spelman College)
- Andrei Chertov (postdoc, 2012)
- Joanne Hsu (undergraduate student, 2011-2013)
- Elizabeth Perez (summer undergraduate, 2013)
- Kelsey Haas (undergraduate student & postbac, 2012-2014)
- Oriol Quilez (visiting student, 2014)
- Jason Ross (summer undergraduate, 2014)
- Danielle Swaney (postdoc, 2010-2014, now: Assistant Professor at UCSF)
- Peter Mosen (visiting master student, 2015)
- Paige Haas (undergraduate student, 2015)
- Daniel Hernandez (software engineer, 2012-2015)
- Andrea Costa (visiting scientist, 2015)
- William Edelman (GS PhD student, 2010-2016)
- Rob Lawrence (MCB PhD student, 2011-2016)
- Nicole Horsley (undergraduate student, 2017)
- Sam Entwisle (MCB PhD student, now: Medical Writer at the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation)
- Miguel Martin Perez (PostDoc at IRB Barcelona)
- Willy Edelman (Scientist at Indica Labs)
- Rob Lawrence (PhD Student, now: Principal Scientist at Seattle Genetics)
- Noelle Fukuda (undergraduate student, 2019-2020, now: Med student at Western Michigan)
- Bianca Ruiz (GS PhD student, 2017-2021, now: Scientist Multi-Omics at Interline Therapeutics)
- Ian Smith (GS PhD student, 2017-2022, now: Harper Lab, Harvard)
- Anthony Barente (GS PhD student, 2017-2022, now: Software Engineer at Ginkgo Bioworks)
- Kyle Hess (MCB PhD student, 2017-2022, Proteomics Scientist at Bristol Myers Squibb)
- Amber Herrod (summer REU student, 2022, now: undergrad at Fort Lewis College)
- Alex Hogrebe (PostDoc 2019-2022, now: Scientist at ProteiQ Biosciences)
- Mario Leutert (post-doc, 2018 – 2023, now Postdoc at ETH Zurich Beltrao Lab )
- Zhi Ming Cheng( Visiting PhD 2023, student University of Edimburgh – Vendrell Lab)